Looking back on 2022 it’s easy to see that there’s still so much work to do to rethink the way we use resources and regenerate our planet – so we are glad to be reminded by the legends at Future Crunch that in 2022:
“…millions of people from every corner of the planet did their best to solve the problems that could be solved, and stayed open-eyed and open-hearted even in the most difficult of circumstances”.
Lots of amazing things happened that will protect and restore the earth for future generations – and this leaves us hopeful as we come to close another year.
We’d like to leave you with that same impression, and Future Crunch provides the perfect read to end 2022 with. Its annual “99 good news stories you probably didn’t hear about” is worth a read with a cup of tea!
READ IT HERE: https://futurecrunch.com/goodnews2022/
One of the team’s favourite items is this:
In a milestone five decades in the making, the UN General Assembly declared access to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment to be a universal human right. It’s a profound shift in the way we see ourselves, and a crucial part of the moral framework our species will need in order to evolve out of our industrial era.
May 2023 bring nutrient dense compost, closed loops on more resources & an opening of hearts and minds to changing the way we live upon this precious earth.
From our whānau to yours, ngā mihi o te wā Kirihimete me te Tau Hou Pākehā – HAPPY CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR
~ The Team at Sustainable Kaipara