7 July 2022

Andy’s Short Film Tips – EDITING

Here are Andy’s tips for EDITING your short film!

  • You don’t HAVE to edit your film if you have only used one shot.
  • If you do need to edit, here are some apps you can use:
    iMovie if you have an Apple computer
    Windows Movie Maker if you have a Windows computer
    Beatleap on Apple App Store
    Splice on Apple and Android
    Canva which has a free video making tool (we made this video using Canva!)
  • Less is MORE! Keep clips nice and short!
  • Add music or voiceover and text! There is some free music to download at Bensound
  • HAVE FUN!! Don’t be too serious. We can’t wait to see your films!

A HUGE thank you to Andy from Elevated Media for helping us with his filming tips!!!

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