6 December 2022

Sustainable Living Workshop at Baylys Beach

We ran our first Sustainable Living workshop at the beautiful Baylys Beach Community Centre in October. A captive audience had an overview on the circular economy concept, how to reduce packaging at home, understanding recyclingcomposting and worm farms, and ideas for reuse.

One of the attendees shared these wise words:

“Slowing down and being present [is important].
Taking deep breaths to support mindfulness around my everyday choices that impact the planet”.

After we highlighted some key areas where we can all make changes to live in a more sustainable way, attendees came up with plenty of meaningful actions & pledges they could take to either start on their journey or continue on a path of gradual improvement.

Pledges from the night included:

  • start recycling food scraps using worms in the garden
  • use Bokashi system for meat scraps
  • reduce then recycle soft plastics
  • reuse more items more often
  • keep reusable coffee cup in car
  • keep wardrobe freeze in place over summer!

We all agreed that cost and time were key barriers to making sustainable choices but that equally the cost of fresh vegetables was actually a catalyst to get growing your own.

The wonderful refillery and cafe The Good Life Store generously donated delicious food for the evening.

We hope to be back in Baylys beach in the new year to run more workshops including on composting and bokashi systems, so keep a look out by following us on facebook or check our website event page!

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