Posts in " Climate Change" category

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The Right to Repair

Ever felt frustrated at the inability to repair broken household items? That toaster that’s only lasted a year of two, or the dining chair with a wobbly leg? This modern day condition has evolved from manufacturers building in ‘planned obsolescence’ in order to sell...

It’s International Compost Awareness week!

It is no secret that we are big fans of compost, so when compost awareness week comes around, we are happy to take the opportunity to spread the word! In Kaipara, 41% of our kerbside landfill waste is organic (compostable) - so we have a huge opportunity to be...

Ngā mihi o te wā – Happy Christmas and New Year!

Looking back on 2022 it’s easy to see that there’s still so much work to do to rethink the way we use resources and regenerate our planet - so we are glad to be reminded by the legends at Future Crunch that in 2022: “…millions of people from every corner of the planet...

Good for you, Helen Dew

Sustainable Kaipara is passionate about educating our tamariki around sustainable consumption and resource recovery. Not only does this give our future decision makers and citizens the mindset we need to protect our planet, but it influences behaviour at home with...

The Compost Trial

Beginning in 2020, we ran a 6-month trial, collecting food scraps from households and businesses in Mangawhai to feed our community compost.  The roadside pickup ran weekly, and our compost bins – located at our local community garden – were filled with a layer...
